Monday, February 21, 2011

All Things Wise and Wonderful

All Things Wise and Wonderful

Author: James Herriot

Publication date: 1977

Book's setting: The early 1940's

Random facts: This books is part of a larger series. The series of books was made into an excellent BBC tv show.

Plot summary: Firmly grounded in real life, this book is a memoir-style retelling of Herriot's life as a vet in the Yorkshire countryside. All Things Wise and Wonderful is set during the beginnings is WWII, so apart from the daily grind in Yorkshire, there is always a larger shadow looming over the story.

Favorite aspects: All the aspects! Really, I think of these as near-perfect books. The scrapes and situations that James and the rest of the characters get themselves into are so comical the reader begins to doubt that this is an autobiographical book. The writing is light, amusing, and just flows really nicely. Characters like Tristan and stories like the Christmas Cat leave you in tears of either amusement or sentiment.

Least favorite aspects: The dialogue is written in a sort of dialect which makes it hard to follow in spots. But I find that if you just think the words you're reading in a crazy Northern accent, it becomes a bit easier... and really funny.

Other works it reminded me of: At Home in Green Thrush by Miss Read.

Sadie's merciless breakdown:
I really love Herriot's books. I found this one in a little used bookstore in Queens and I think I may have squealed and hopped a bit upon finding it. Regrettably, All Things Wise and Wonderful did not feature yours and mine and everyone's favorite sexy vet of the century, Calum Buchanan. But Tristan and James are pretty awesome, even without Calum, and this book had the bangers and mash story. I started laughing like a hyena at the bangers and mash story, and then I felt the need to tell everyone about it. Maybe if you read this book you too will find yourself compelled to tell strangers on the street about the bangers and mash story. Who knows?
Here is a warning: This book may colonize your soul with the Anglophile germs. Much tea is had. Many moors are walked through on dusky morns. Beware my friends, beware. ALSO this book is filled with quality men. If you are single and in want of a hearty British specimen, this is a lovely fantasy. ALSO this book is pretty romantic. If you feel very bitter and only want to read books about single woman conquering the world, this is not a lovely fantasy, it will only make you grumpy.

Recommendation rate: If you like animals, England, or WWII, this is a must read. If you like situation comedy, this is something you should put on your list. If you like reading magical realism or Russian propaganda or self-help books than there is really no reason to try it.

1 comment:

  1. PAAHAHAHA. Oh that is perfect. I adore this book, and agree 100% with your review :D
