Monday, February 21, 2011

The Two Kinds of Decay

Title: The Two Kinds of Decay

Author: Sarah Manguso

Publication date: 2008

Book's setting: The 1990's

Random facts: The author teaches at Pratt college. I'm considering asking about her when I'm on campus for my art classes.

Plot summary: The Two Kinds of Decay is a memoir about Manguso's battle with a neurological disease so rare, it doesn't have an official name- a rarer form of the already rare Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Her story begins with her diagnosis and ends with her remission, resulting in a tightly plotted and seriously intense book.

Favorite aspects: Manguso writes in a bit of a non-linear form, jumping to different periods of her disease, dedicating entire chapters to a memorable night nurse or cancer patient she meet once or twice. Manguso is known for her poetry, so the writing is flawless. She doesn't overindulge in poetics which might distract from the subject matter. Instead she uses her beautiful (almost painfully so) writing so drag the reader into her world. I heard that the best way to make a reader feel the pain of a character is to tell their story from a distance. Somehow Manguso tells her own story from that distance, as if she was her own doctor. It's clinical and truthful and just really magnificent.

Least favorite aspects: There are no least favorite aspects, but I think I should note the following. Manguso went through rigorous treatments, including one particularly terrifying one, where her blood was taken out, cleaned it, and pumped back in. I don't think of myself as a squeamish person, but while reading The Two Kinds of Decay I began to feel a bit light-headed several times. Almost nauseous once. Manguso does a frighteningly good job at making the reader feel her pain, so if you don't like blood or reading about sick people, I think it's best to stay away.

Other works it reminded me of: I don't think I've ever read anything comparable to this.

Sadie's merciless break-down: I can't make fun of this book. I really can't. I can, however, make fun of myself. After reading this I decided I should write a really dark memoir full of my FEELINGS and it would be beautiful and moving. Then I realized that I had absolutely nothing to say. Oh well. And then I decided that I was a horrible person because I've never given blood and giving blood saves lives so basically I am an aid to death. I am still planning on going. Soon. When the weather improves.

Recommendation rate: It doesn't matter if you want to read this, you need to read this.

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