Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Rescuers

Title: The Rescuers

Author: Margery Sharp

Publication date: 1959

Book's setting: Sometime in the vague early 1900's.

Random facts:

Plot summary: So there is this massive society of mice. The Prisoners Aid Society. And their job is to comfort depressed prisoners around the world. There is this really sad poet who is imprisoned in the most terrifying prison of all time, in Norway. The only mouse who can get access to this prison is high class Miss Bianca. She's completely out of her depths in the dark and murky world of Norway's jails, but she's just brave enough. Besides, Barnard had asked her so nicely. Along with the help of Nils, a Norwegian sailor mouse, Miss Bianca fights cats and all manner of terrifying things, to save the sad poet.

Favorite aspects:
I think that the illustrations were my favorite part of the book, which I know it actually cheating, but it's true. Either way, it was darling. I was very delicate and sweet and touching and careful and everything a good childrens book should be. I was actually very impressed, I wasn't anticipating liking it so much.

Least favorite aspects:
I actually had a bit of a hard time falling into the writing. It was a bit old fashioned obviously, but I read tons of old(er) books and have always really enjoyed the stately language. This was probably more an error on my part, like I was really tired or something when I read it.

Other works it reminded me of: The Wonderful O by James Thurber.

Sadie's merciless break-down:
The Disney movie of the same name was one of the most important things in my childhood. No lie. As much as I loved this book, it wasn't the Disney movie. Actually, it was probably better than the Disney movie, but it was still incapable to affecting me the way the cartoon did when I was a kid. Obviously. That's not exactly surprising, just confusing. Much like Ronia, this is a book I wish I had ten years ago.

Recommendation rate: If you are a big children's lit fan, then check it out.

1 comment:

  1. I love this book (and like your blog - generally agree with your recommendations/comments). I'm a children's librarian, but also read everything. Well, not EVERYTHING. But some things (which is better than no things). Have you read Mrs Frisby and the Rats of N.I.M.H.? And Eva Ibbottson's children's books? The best is 'Not just a witch'.
